Rebates & Incentives

Solar Victoria Rebates & Solar Rebates for Rental Properties

Maximize Your Solar Savings: How to Access Up to $1,400 in Solar Victoria Rebates for Your Home

Solar Victoria Rebates & Solar Rebates for Rental Properties

Solar Victoria Rebates for Homeowners

Are you ready to lower your energy bills and embrace clean, renewable energy? The Solar Victoria Rebate offers up to $1,400 for installing solar panel (PV) systems on your home, whether it's an existing property or under construction. If you're a Victorian homeowner, now is the perfect time to make the switch to solar and enjoy ongoing savings.

Plus, to reduce upfront costs even further, you can apply for an interest-free loan matching the rebate amount, making it more affordable to embrace solar energy.

Eligibility Criteria for Homeowners

To qualify for the Solar Victoria Rebate, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Be the owner-occupier of an existing property or a home under construction where the solar system will be installed.
  • Have a combined household taxable income of less than $210,000 per year.
  • Ensure the property's value is under $3 million once construction is complete.
  • The property has not previously received a solar panel or solar battery rebate through this program.
  • No solar panel (PV) system has been installed at the property in the last 10 years.
  • If you've recently moved into a home with solar panels, you can still apply for a rebate at your new address as long as it hasn’t received any previous solar rebates.

If you’re part of the Premium Feed-in Tariff scheme, you might want to replace your existing system before the scheme ends on 1 November 2024 for optimal benefits.

Additionally, you’ll need to work with an authorised solar retailer and install eligible products to take advantage of the rebate.

Step-by-Step Process for Solar Installations

If you meet the eligibility criteria, here's how to apply for your Solar Victoria rebate:

  1. Do your research – Review our Solar Panel Buyers Guide.
  2. Consult an authorised solar retailer – Select an authorised provider from the list.
  3. Choose your system – Select solar products that meet your energy needs.
  4. Get a written quote – Your retailer will upload the quote into the Solar Victoria portal.
  5. Receive confirmation – Wait for an email confirming your quote has been uploaded.
  6. Grid approval – Your retailer will get pre-approval for grid connection and export.
  7. Submit eligibility documents – Upload your paperwork to prove your eligibility.
  8. Receive your QR code – After eligibility confirmation, you'll get a QR code for installation.
  9. Install your system – Install the system within 120 days (or 240 days for homes under construction).
  10. Pay the difference – You’ll only pay the cost minus the rebate amount.
  11. Start repaying the loan – If you opted for an interest-free loan, repayment begins after installation.

Important: If you install your system before receiving approval, you will not be eligible for the rebate.

Solar Rebates for Rental Properties

As a rental property owner, you can take advantage of Solar Victoria Rebates to improve your property's energy efficiency and help your tenants save on energy costs. You can get up to $1,400 to install a solar panel (PV) system on your rental property, with the option to apply for an interest-free loan that matches the rebate amount, further reducing your upfront costs.

This initiative allows rental providers to enhance the value of their properties while helping renters lower their energy bills, creating a win-win situation for both parties. You can receive rebates for up to two rental properties per financial year.

Eligibility Criteria for Rental Properties

To qualify for the Solar Victoria Rebate for rental properties, the following conditions must be met:

  • Your tenants must have a combined household taxable income of less than $210,000 per year.
  • You have not already received more than two rebates for rental properties in the current financial year.
  • The property must be valued at under $3 million.
  • The property must not have previously received a solar panel rebate or solar battery rebate under the Solar Homes Program.
  • A Solar Homes Program Agreement must be signed by you and your renter(s) to ensure both parties are on board with the installation.
  • If you received a solar rebate or loan as an owner-occupier and have since rented out the same property, you can still apply for a solar PV rebate for rental properties (subject to the two-property limit per financial year).
  • If you received a solar battery loan as an owner-occupier and later became a rental provider for the same property, you may still qualify for a solar PV rebate if the solar PV system is older than 10 years.

If you're participating in the Premium Feed-in Tariff scheme, it’s worth considering whether replacing your existing system before the scheme ends on 1 November 2024 would benefit you financially.

As with owner-occupied properties, you’ll need to work with an authorised solar retailer and use only eligible solar products.

Step-by-Step Process for Solar Installations on Rental Properties

If you believe your rental property is eligible, here’s the process for applying for the Solar Victoria rebate:

  1. Research solar options – Read the Solar Panel Buyers Guide to make an informed decision.
  2. Discuss with your tenants – Your renters must sign an agreement and allow access for quotes, installation, and any maintenance.
  3. Consult an authorised solar retailer – Select a retailer from the list of approved providers.
  4. Select your solar system – Choose eligible solar products that meet your property’s energy needs.
  5. Request a written quote – Your retailer will upload the quote into the Solar Victoria portal.
  6. Receive confirmation – Wait for an email confirming your quote has been uploaded.
  7. Pre-approval for grid connection – Ensure your retailer gets pre-approval for grid connection and export.
  8. Tenant agreement – Prepare and sign an agreement with your renters, which will need to be uploaded in your rebate application.
  9. Submit paperwork – Upload all required documents into the portal to prove your eligibility.
  10. Receive your QR code – Once your eligibility is confirmed, you’ll receive a QR code for the installation.
  11. Install the system – The solar system must be installed within 120 days (or 240 days for properties under construction).
  12. Pay the remaining cost – Pay the retailer the difference between the total cost and the rebate amount.
  13. Begin repaying the loan – If you cho

Hot Water Rebate

Hot water rebates of up to $1,000 are available for eligible heat pump and solar hot water systems.

Hot water systems account for approximately 21% of your home’s total energy use (according to YourHome). To reduce these costs and save energy, consider upgrading to a heat pump or solar hot water system. The Solar Homes hot water rebate can help cover part of this cost.

Eligibility Criteria

As a Victorian homeowner, you may qualify for the hot water rebate if:

  • You are the owner-occupier of the property where the system will be installed.
  • The combined taxable income of all owners is under $210,000 per year.
  • Your property is valued at less than $3 million.
  • The property has not previously received a hot water or solar battery rebate through the Solar Homes Program.
  • The hot water system being replaced is at least 3 years old.
  • You’ve moved to a new home that hasn’t received a Solar Homes rebate. You can apply for a new rebate as the owner-occupier at your new address.

To be eligible, you must work with an authorised hot water retailer and use only eligible products.

Hot Water Installation Process

If you meet the eligibility criteria, follow these steps to claim your rebate:

  1. Research – Read our Hot Water Buyers Guide.
  2. Consult – Speak with an authorised retailer.
  3. Select a system – Choose an eligible system that suits your energy needs.
  4. Get a written quote – Your retailer will upload the quote to the Solar Victoria portal.
  5. Receive confirmation – Wait for an email confirming the quote has been uploaded.
  6. Pre-approval – Your retailer will secure pre-approval.
  7. Submit documents – Upload your eligibility paperwork to the portal.
  8. Receive approval and QR code – Once approved, you’ll get a QR code for installation.
  9. Install the system – Complete installation within 120 days.
  10. Pay the difference – You’ll pay the remaining cost after the rebate is applied.

Important: Do not install the system before receiving approval, or you may forfeit your rebate (unless it's an emergency installation).

Emergency Installations

If your hot water system breaks down or becomes unsafe, you can proceed with the installation before receiving rebate approval. However, you must meet all eligibility criteria and submit your application as soon as possible. If you do not qualify, the rebate may not be granted.

For emergency installations:

  • Contact an authorised retailer for a heat pump or solar hot water system.
  • Ensure you meet eligibility requirements.
  • Proceed with installation and gather proof of income and ID for your rebate application.
  • Submit your rebate application online and tick the box for emergency installations.

Solar Battery Loans

The Solar Victoria Program offers interest-free loans of up to $8,800 for installing a solar battery system. This loan can help reduce the upfront costs, and repayments are spread out monthly over four years.

Eligibility Criteria

You may qualify for a solar battery loan as a Victorian homeowner if:

  • You are the owner-occupier of the property where the battery will be installed.
  • The combined household taxable income is under $210,000 per year.
  • Your property is valued at less than $3 million.
  • The property has not previously received a solar battery rebate.
  • A solar panel system (with at least a 5kW inverter capacity) is installed or will be installed alongside the battery.
  • Your home does not currently have an existing energy storage system.
  • The proposed battery has a capacity of at least 6kWh and is listed on the approved battery product list.
  • You have obtained pre-approval from your Distributed Network Service Provider (DNSP) to connect the battery to the grid.
  • You agree to receive information about participating in battery trials from your DNSP.

Note: The solar battery loan is not available for homes under construction. Additionally, battery storage may not be suitable for all homes or budgets, so it’s important to evaluate whether a battery system will meet your specific needs.

Loan Application Process

To apply for the solar battery loan, follow these steps:

  1. Review your energy usage and determine your battery budget.
  2. Research – Read our Battery Buyers Guide for product options.
  3. Talk to an authorised retailer to discuss your needs.
  4. Get grid pre-approval – Ensure your retailer secures pre-approval for connection.
  5. Obtain a written quote – Your retailer will upload the quote to the Solar Victoria portal.
  6. Receive confirmation – Wait for an email confirming the quote has been uploaded.
  7. Submit documents – Upload paperwork proving your eligibility.
  8. Credit check – Complete the financial and credit checks.
  9. Loan approval – Once approved, you’ll receive a QR code for installation.
  10. Install the battery system – Complete the installation within 120 days.
  11. Pay the remaining cost – Pay the difference after applying the loan.
  12. Repay the loan – Begin making monthly, interest-free payments over four years.

Make sure the installation is completed within 120 days from the date of loan approval.

Is the Solar Victoria Rebate/Loan Different from the STCs Discount?

Yes, the Solar Victoria rebate/loan is separate from the Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs), which are another way to reduce the cost of solar installations. Here’s how the two differ:

  • STCs are carbon credits generated for installing solar panels, calculated based on the size of your system (in kilowatts) and the location (Victoria falls into zone 4). These credits can be sold on the green market, providing an upfront discount that can reduce your system's cost by thousands of dollars.
  • The Solar Victoria rebate/loan is a separate incentive that requires an application, while STCs are automatically generated without any application process.
  • By installing a solar system, you not only benefit from lower energy bills but also contribute to reducing Australia's overall carbon footprint, as electricity retailers are required to purchase STCs to meet federal regulations on carbon emissions.

Why Choose Rite Price - Victoria for Your Solar Installation?

At Rite Price - Victoria, we are dedicated to helping homeowners and rental providers across Victoria take full advantage of the Solar Victoria Rebates. Our team of experts is committed to providing top-quality service, from helping you select the right solar system to handling all the paperwork and installations. We offer a range of eligible products, ensuring you maximize your rebates and energy savings.

If you're ready to start saving on your energy bills and contribute to a greener future, contact Rite Price - Victoria today. Let us help you navigate the rebate process and install a solar system that will benefit both you and the environment.

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